Download android studio ide for mac
Download android studio ide for mac

download android studio ide for mac
  1. #Download android studio ide for mac how to
  2. #Download android studio ide for mac install

Then choose Android from the list of deployment options. Select File -> Standalone Application Settings. The root directory may look something like. You may have to navigate one level deeper into the directory hierarchy to access the root directory. This indicates that the path you specified is not pointing at the Android SDK root. (see Installing the Android SDK Packages step) Please ensure you have installed it correctly, and enabled support for Android 2.2 (Froyo). The chosen folder is not a valid Android SDK. The following error message may be raised if something is wrong with your set up: This ensures that you have selected a valid location and have the required Android components installed. Validation checks are made once you specify the location of the Android SDK root. under Android SDK and choose the directory containing the Android SDK root.

download android studio ide for mac

This dialog allows you to configure the path to the Android SDK root, which you should already have installed. Then select Mobile Support and you are presented with the dialog shown in this step. Launch the LiveCode IDE and select LiveCode -> Preferences to launch the Preferences menu. The next step is to launch LiveCode and configure it to interface with the Android SDK. After tapping the build number 5 times you’ll see a message “Press it two more times to be a developer!” and after tapping 7 times you’ll see message “You are now a developer” or “Developer mode has been enabled”ģ) Navigate to Settings> Developer optionsīy now, you should have successfully installed the required software in your development environment. Now Scroll onto Build Number and tap it 7 times repeatedly. An example for a Galaxy S3 running Android 4.1.1 is-ġ) Go to Settings> About> Software Information> MoreĢ. To enable debug mode, please see your manufactures recommend instructions for doing so. The relevant device must be set to debug mode, once the necessary drivers are installed.

#Download android studio ide for mac how to

Details of how to do this can be found at the Android Developer Website here:

#Download android studio ide for mac install

Install the appropriate device drivers for the devices you would like to use. These devices can be accessed after they have been appropriately configured for debugging. In addition to setting up virtual devices, it is possible to set up physical devices.

Download android studio ide for mac